Living For Everything

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I always wonder what the limit is for us. So much heaviness on our hearts and minds, pressure to get through the hardest chapter of life. Here we are, again. Living in fear, watching so many tears come down my babies face. She's so confused and sad. One day we are at home playing and running around and happy. The next day we are in a hospital and they are pumping her full of chemo. It's just too much at times. I'm trying to process this and fully understand why stuff like this happens. Maybe God is trying to show me something? Is there something bigger that we just can't see? Maybe Arlie's story is impacting people around us. Making us all dig deep in our faith and cling to things that are good when life just isn't. Whatever it is I'm open ears, eyes and heart. If he's trying to teach me something I'm def learning a lot this past year. 

So for now, I'm going to take all the good days, all the snuggles, all the love and support from so many and I'm going to let people help us because we need it right now.